Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex awoke from a restful sleep. He was hungry and roared a great roar. As he stalked from his hiding place, he saw a Brontosaurus in the distance.

Tyrannosaurus Rex planned his attack carefully. He sneaked up behind the Brontosaurus warily because he knew of their great tails, which could knock him down. He charged again and again but finally decided to find easier prey.

As Tyrannosaurs Rex thundered away from Brontosaurus, he saw some Diplodocus further from water than usual and charged them. They turned and ran towards water and safety. Tyrannosaurus Rex charged at them but stopped at the water's edge. The other dinosaurs knew he didn't like the water.

As he wandered on, an Ichthyosaur that lumbered in his path quickly pulled his legs and head under his shell. Tyrannosaurus tried to pull him over, but it was too heavy. Angered, he turned on a Triceratops that walked in front of him. The Triceratops met the roaring dinosaur and slashed his leg. Roaring in pain he turned and limped away. He lay down in some weeds until he stopped bleeding, then went to find some food.

In the distance he saw a weak Ornithosuchus. It was weak from not eating and being old. The usually fast meat eater now slowly walked away into the desert. Tyrannosaurus Rex caught the small dinosaur and ate it. It cured his hunger pains a little bit, enough for the night.

Exhausted he slept in the ferns. Tomorrow was another day, and today had been a long one. Everyday some dinosaurs were hungry, others full. That was the way it was. Sometimes even fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex went hungry.